在估算一批塑料件注塑加工成本的時(shí)候,除了要將加工費、材料費、包裝費等都考慮在內之外,還要結合原料的損壞率進(jìn)行計算。因為材料和產(chǎn)品的損壞會(huì )影響注塑加工成本的高低,到底有多大的影響呢?下面
When estimating the injection molding processing cost of a batch of plastic parts, in addition to taking into account the processing cost, material cost, packaging cost, etc., it should also be calculated in combination with the damage rate of raw materials. Because the damage of materials and products will affect the cost of injection molding, how much impact? Next, Jinan injection molding manufacturer will explain to you.
先要知道哪些原因會(huì )造成注塑加工件的損壞,比較常見(jiàn)的有更換塑料模具時(shí)的洗模用料;熱度不夠造成的廢品;生產(chǎn)過(guò)程中產(chǎn)生的水口等等,這些都屬于損壞。
First of all, we should know what causes the damage of injection molding parts. The more common ones are the mold washing materials when replacing plastic molds; Waste products caused by insufficient heat; The nozzle produced in the production process is damaged.
也就是說(shuō),如果將一噸材料投入加工,結果生產(chǎn)出了0.7~0.8噸的產(chǎn)品,我們就會(huì )認為損耗率是20%~30%左右。
In other words, if one ton of material is put into processing, and 0.7~0.8 tons of products are produced, we will think that the loss rate is about 20% - 30%.
這樣的話(huà),在計算成本的時(shí)候也要將這百分之二、三十的損壞率加進(jìn)去,這樣得到的數據才會(huì )比較準確。事實(shí)上,這樣的損耗率還是比較正常的,而且如果要節約加工成本的話(huà),也可以從降低材料損耗率著(zhù)手。
In this case, the damage rate of 2% or 30% should also be added when calculating the cost, so that the data will be more accurate. In fact, such a loss rate is relatively normal, and if you want to save processing costs, you can also start from reducing the material loss rate.
Formula for estimating mold price based on experience:
Injection mold price = material fee + design fee + processing fee and profit + VAT + mold trial fee + packaging and transportation fee
The ratio is usually:
Material cost: materials and standard parts account for 15% - 30% of the total cost of injection mold
Handling charges and profits: 30% - 50%
Design fee: 10% - 15% of the total cost of injection mold
Mold trial fee: large and medium-sized molds can be controlled within 3%, and small precision molds can be controlled within 5%
Packaging and transportation cost: it can be calculated according to the actual situation or 3%
VAT: 13%
When quoting for customers, we will confirm the use of the product with you for the first time. When selecting the injection mold, refer to the product surface requirements you require, whether it is necessary to make frosted surface or mirror surface, or whether the service life of the injection mold can reach XX million times. Come to our website for more relevant information http://www.ppgwo.com Consult and understand.